Manitoba Mushroom Society

Manitoba Mushroom Society Logo © Manitoba Mushroom Society Inc.







The Manitoba Mushroom Society wishes to educate members and the public about Manitoba mushroom diversity, roles and identification; provide eco-friendly forays for Society members; organize public mushroom expositions; develop lists of mushrooms and fungi from ecosystems across Manitoba.

The Society respects and honours the lands, territories and Treaties of Native people, and also respects BIPOC and 2SLGBTQQIA+ and underpriviliged people.

The Manitoba Mushroom Society formed and incorporated because we saw an opportunity to bring people together not just online, but also out in the field for hands-on forays and educational experiences throughout Manitoba.

Our focus is to create a welcoming, inclusive community for everyone, especially those from diverse backgrounds, while fostering a shared love for fungi and plants. We’re a group with a passion for both mycology and community-building, so alongside foraging, conservation, and study, we emphasize inclusivity and connection within the group.

We appreciate all the work that’s been done to grow the broader mycology community here in Winnipeg and look forward to collaborating in the future where possible! If you’re interested in joining a foray or learning more, we’d love to have you along.

The Society intends to work with other similar organizations with the intent of preserving, protecting and restoring natural ecosystems.



The Manitoba Mushroom Society Objectives include:

  • Study, examination and appreciation of biological materials such as fungi, plants, mosses and lichens, including understanding the potential toxicities of various species and their interconnected relationships.
  • Safe, responsible, ecological, sustainable foraging and workshops focused on fellowship, continued education and sharing of knowledge including scientific and educational activities, conservation of biodiversity and natural habitats, and promoting responsible practices for improvement of the environment and society.
  • Development of foray leaders with training and assessment of leader skills as well as biological material knowledge.
  • Creating a scientific database and collection of fungi, plants and lichens associated with various ecosystems, locations and habitats in Manitoba.
  • Respect, honour and inclusion of persons of BIPOC, 2SLGBTQIIA+ and underprivileged communities.
  • Diversity and inclusivity of members, adhering to the Code of Conduct.
  • Collaboration with like-minded individuals and organizations.
  • Land Acknowledgement at all events.



The Manitoba Mushroom Society acknowledges the artistic talent of Cathy Itscovich for painting the background and mushrooms for the logo. Logo design by Manitoba Mushroom Society. The logo is now provided to members as a 3" round vinyl sticker as a membership benefit.

Manitoba Mushroom Society Logo Design:

  • Manitoba colours incorporated
    • red (border), blue (letters, lake, sky), green (trees)
  • Background echoes standard Manitoba vehicle licence plate background (Friendly Manitoba)
    • prairie, field, shore, stream, lake, forest, blue sky
  • Two mushroom species commonly found and enjoyed in Manitoba
    • Golden Chanterelles Cantharellus cibarius
    • Yellow Morels Morchella elata

Manitoba Mushroom Society Logo © Manitoba Mushroom Society Inc.



The Manitoba Mushroom Society was incorporated as a Non-Profit Corporation in the Province of Manitoba on 2024 July 26.



The Manitoba Mushroom Society was the first Manitoba mushroom organization to be officially affiliated with the North American Mycological Association (NAMA) on 2024 December 11.


Hat Mix  © Manitoba Mushroom Society Inc.


Abuse and Harassment Policy

The Manitoba Mushroom Society is committed to providing a safe and respectful environment that is free from abuse and harassment, where all persons are treated with respect and fairness. This includes Directors, volunteers, Members, Event participants and all others associated with any Society Event.

Abuse Policy

The Manitoba Mushroom Society and members expect that everyone associated with a Society activity to take all reasonable steps to safeguard the welfare of all Members and participants and to protect them from any form of maltreatment. Therefore, there shall be no abuse or harassment, whether physical, emotional or sexual of any person.

  • a. Definitions of Abuse
    • Abuse is any form of physical, emotional or sexual mistreatment or lack of care that causes physical injury of emotional damage to anyone.
    • Emotional Abuse is an attack on an individual’s self-esteem. It can take form of excessive teasing, name-calling, threatening, ridiculing, berating, intimidating, isolating, or hazing.
    • Physical Abuse is when a person purposefully injures or threatens to injure someone. This may take the form of slapping, hitting, shaking, kicking, pulling hair or ears, throwing, shoving, grabbing, hazing or excessive exercise as a form of punishment.
    • Sexual Abuse is when anyone takes advantage of a person for his or her own sexual stimulation or gratification.
    • Abuse of Power or Authority and Breach of Trust is the commission of a form of abuse against an individual who is in a subservient or dependent position to the abuser and is a common characteristic of all forms of abuse.
  • b. Duty to Report
    • Anyone having reason to believe that abuse of a child (someone under the age of 18 years) has occurred must report the matter to a Child Protection Authority or the police.
    • The person making the report of child abuse is not required to determine if the abuse is caused by the child’s parent or by another person. However, the person making the report will be required to give all available information to the Child Protection Authority or to the police to assist with any investigation.

Harassment Policy

The Manitoba Mushroom Society Directors and Members expect that everyone associated with a Society activity not to harass or allow the harassment of any Society Members, and to protect them from any form of maltreatment. Therefore, there shall be no harassment, whether physical, emotional, or sexual of any person. The Manitoba Mushroom Society is expected to be an environment and culture that does not tolerate any kind of harassment.

  • a. Definition of Harassment: Harassment is any conduct that is cruel, intimidating, humiliating, offensive, belittling, defaming or physically harmful. Behaviours that constitutes harassment could include, but are not limited to:
    • 1. condescending, patronizing, threatening or punishing actions that undermine self-esteem or diminish performance;
    • 2. unwelcome remarks or jokes, innuendo or teasing about a person’s looks, body, attire, age, ethnic or national origin, religion, sex, gender or sexual orientation;
    • 3. leering or other suggestive or obscene gestures;
    • 4. practical jokes or comments that cause awkwardness or embarrassment, or endanger a person’s safety;
    • 5. any form of hazing;
    • 6. any form of physical assault;
    • 7. public defamation in person, online or otherwise;
    • 8. sexual harassment, as defined in this policy; or
    • 9. retaliation or threats of retaliation against anyone who reports harassment.
  • Sexual Harassment is unwelcome sexual remarks or advances, requests for sexual favours or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when:
    • 1. submitting to or rejecting this conduct is used as the basis for making decisions that affect the individual; or
    • 2. such conduct has the purpose or effect of interfering with an individual’s performance; or
    • 3. such conduct that creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment.

Procedures for Receiving and Responding to a Complaint of Abuse or Harassment

  • a. Definitions:
    • Complainant: An individual who has been identified by himself or herself, or by a third party, as the possible victim of abuse or harassment.
    • Respondent: An individual who has been identified as using behaviour or words that may ultimately be viewed as abuse or harassment.
    • Intervenor: The Intervenor is an adult appointed by the Manitoba Mushroom Society Board to oversee the investigation of a complaint. Intervenors have a responsibility to remain neutral throughout their involvement with a complaint.
  • b. Complaints
    • Any person who thinks that he or she has been subjected to conduct that constitutes abuse or harassment under this policy, or any person who believes that he or she has witnessed abuse or harassment, is encouraged to make it known to the other person responsible for the conduct that the behaviour is unwelcome, offensive, and contrary to this policy.
    • If confronting the person is not possible, or if after confronting the person, the behaviour continues, the person who has experienced the abuse or harassment, who has witnessed the abuse or harassment, or who believes that harassment has occurred, should report the matter to a member of the Manitoba Mushroom Society Board. The Manitoba Mushroom Society Board will then appoint a person to be the Manitoba Mushroom Society Intervenor.
    • Once an incident is reported, the role of Intervenor is to serve in a neutral, unbiased capacity in receiving the report and assisting in an informal resolution of the complaint, where this is appropriate.
  • c. Investigation and Formal Resolution
    • When it is determined that the complaint cannot be resolved through informal means, a formal written complaint by way of the Manitoba Mushroom Society Accident/Incident Report will be required from the Complainant to be submitted to the Manitoba Mushroom Society Board.
    • The assigned Intervenor will review and clarify the written complaint with both the Complainant and the Respondent and ensure both parties have been provided with copies of this Policy.
    • The Respondent will be asked to provide a written response to the complaint within seven (7) calendar days of receiving the written complaint. The Complainant will be provided with a copy of this response immediately.
    • The Intervenor will then conduct any further investigation required, and provide a written report to the x Manitoba Mushroom Society Board.
  • d. Interim Measures
    • The Manitoba Mushroom Society Board may impose interim measures pending the investigation and dispositions of a complaint. The interim measures are not sanctions, and they may take many forms, including but not limited to:
      • 1. Limitations on the continued involvement of the Respondent in Manitoba Mushroom Society activities;
      • 2. Suspension of the Respondent from Manitoba Mushroom Society activities; or
      • 3. Other measures as appropriate.
  • e. Reluctant Complainant
    • At any point the Complainant may become reluctant to continue with these procedures, and decide to withdraw the complaint. Should this happen:
      • 1. It will be at the sole discretion of the Manitoba Mushroom Society Board to continue the review of the complaint in accordance to this policy.
      • 2. If the Manitoba Mushroom Society Board believes that abuse or harassment has occurred or is occurring, then they must continue the process, even if the complaint has been withdrawn.
  • f. Decision
    • After reviewing and deciding any matter, the Manitoba Mushroom Society Board will present its finding to the Complainant and the Respondent. This report will contain:
      • 1. A summary of the relevant facts;
      • 2. A determination as to whether the complaint constitutes abuse or harassment as defined in this policy;
      • 3. Action to be taken against the Respondent, if the act(s) constituted abuse or harassment; and
      • 4. Measures to remedy or mitigate the harm or loss suffered by the Complainant, if the acts constitute abuse or harassment
    • If the Manitoba Mushroom Society Board determines that the allegations of harassment are false, vexatious, retaliatory or frivolous, its report may direct that there be appropriate action against the Complainant.
  • g. Discipline
    • In directing disciplinary action, the Manitoba Mushroom Society Board may consider the following options, singly or in combination, depending on the nature and severity of the abuse or harassment and other aggravating and mitigating circumstances:
      • 1. Written apology;
      • 2. Letter of reprimand;
      • 3. Referral to counselling;
      • 4. Temporary suspension from the Manitoba Mushroom Society;
      • 5. Termination of Manitoba Mushroom Society membership; and
      • 6. Any other sanction that the Manitoba Mushroom Society Board considers appropriate in the circumstances.
  • h. Confidentiality
    • The Manitoba Mushroom Society recognizes the sensitive and serious nature of abuse and harassment, and will strive to keep all matters relating to a complaint confidential. However, if required by law to disclose information, the Manitoba Mushroom Society Board will do so. Any allegation of emotional, physical or sexual abuse or neglect involving a child will be promptly reported to the Child Protection Authority or the police.


Red-belted polypore, Fomitopsis pinicola  © Manitoba Mushroom Society Inc.



Copyright © 2024 Manitoba Mushroom Society Inc.