Alberta Mycological Society Website
Excellent fungi society with a great newsletter and many resources.Cercle des Mycologues de Lanaudiere et de la Mauricie Website
Foray Newfoundland and Labrador Website
Le Cercle des Mycologues de Montreal Website
Great resource with many links to regional Quebec mycology groups.Manitoba Mushroom Society Website
Community of fungi and plant lovers sharing mycology and botany knowledge, community, mushrooms, spawn and spores.Mantario Mushrooms and Plants Website
5 day canoe trip to Nature Manitoba's off-grid Mantario Cabin, sharing canoeing fungi and plant knowledge.North American Mycological Association Website
Fungi experts, advocates and novices sharing knowledge, community, webinars, forays.
Membership discount for Manitoba Mushroom Society members.Nova Scotia Mycological Society Website
Ottawa Mushroom Society Website
Robson Valley Mushroom Festival Website
Saskatchewan Mycological Working Group Facebook
Sicamous Fungi Festival Website
South Vancouver Island Mycological Society Website
Toronto Mycological Society Website
Vancouver Mycological Society Website
Great fungi resources, newsletter, community.Winnipeg Mycological Society Facebook
In addition to information at above links.
Fondation Miron Royer Website
Modern Forager/GeoForager Website/App
A new (20240214) app that is useful for morel foragers, provides useful tools and data applicable to some US states and British Columbia.iNaturalist Website
Upload your fungi photos to identify species, contribute to citizen science, obscure location if you want.Mushroom Expert Website
Great resource for fungi identification, techniques.Mushroom Observer Website
Great resource for fungi identification, techniques, reporting.Mycologue Publications Website
Pacific Forestry Centre Website/App
Great app and online tool for identifying mushrooms in Pacific Northwest.Pacific North West Pictorial Key Website
Great resource for fungi identification in Pacific Northwest.
Canada Sticker King Website
Provided Society logo stickers for Members and supporters.Manitoba Herb Society Website
Mountain Equipment Company Website
Provides 15% off regular and clearance price in-store discount on Club Days for Manitoba Mushroom Society members.Myco Boutique Website
Nature Manitoba Website
Wilderness Supply Company Website
Provides 10% off regular price in-store discount for Manitoba Mushroom Society members.
We suggest learning to use reference books to identify fungi you find, rather than relying solely on Artificial Intelligence driven apps (eg. Photos, Google, DeepSeek, ChatGPT) or social media platforms (eg. Facebook, Instagram, etc.). This also pertains to posting photos of species and having someone else identify them for you, possibly erroneously and dangerously.
Repetitive exposure to images and text in your reference books and using dichotomous keys to identify species you find improves your memory retention of mushroom images and taxonomical naming and familiarizes you more with commonalities and differences within and between groups of fungi species. It's like painting a scene versus photographing it, it's more of an art, and you learn.
Just do not consume mushrooms you are not absolutely sure you have identified using a few references and have verified you are not allergic to them.
The following list will continue to expand, so come on back!
Mushrooms of Western Canada
by Helene M.E. Schalkwijk-Barendsen
Link to review of field guide book that provides information on fungi pertinent to Western Canada including Manitoba. Also published as Mushrooms of Northwest North America by the same author. The author is a founding member of the Alberta Mycological Society. There are no photos in this book, all illustrations are colour paintings by the author, drawing attention to important morphological features of the fungi.
Organized by morphology, Class, Order, Genus with a General Key and a and Key to Colour Illustrations.
Mushrooms of Ontario and Eastern Canada
by George Barron
Link to review of field guide book that provides information on fungi pertinent to Manitoba and Saskatchewan.
Organized by Class, types, spore colour with a Photo reference guide beginning on Page 8, a Photo Key beginning on Page 30, and a Key at the start of most sections in the book.
Mushrooms Demystified
by David Arora
A large book with an extensive analysis (the "bible") of fungi pertinent to North America that has much humour and valuable information, cross-referenced to by the pocket companion All That the Rain Promises and More by the same author. Excellent reference for any mycologist's library.
Organized by morphology, Class, Order, Genus, with a dichotomous key starting on Page 52 and at the start of each section (Class or Order).
All That the Rain Promises and More
by David Arora
Small pocketbook with a limited variety of fungi pertinent to North America that has much humour and valuable information, cross-references to the Mushrooms Demystified book by the same author.
Organized by morphological similarities, types - with pictorial flowchart dichotomous keys on the insides of the front and rear covers.
Mushrooms of North America
by National Audubon Society
Large book that provides valuable information on a wide variety of fungi pertinent to North America, compatible with the Audubon Society Mushrooms App if you were fortunate enough to download it while it was available on App sites.
Organized by Order, no key.
Mushrooms of the Northeastern United States and Eastern Canada
by T.J. Baroni
Field guide book with a large variety of fungi pertinent to Manitoba that has much valuable information.
Organized by Class, morphology, spore print colour, Genus with a Key that is colour-coded, generalized to Contents on Page 5.
Edible and Poisonous Mushrooms of Canada
by J. Walton Groves, Agriculture Canada
Large book that provides information on fungi pertinent to all of Canada, dated but very pertinent information.
Mushrooms and Other Fungi of North America
by Roger Phillips
Field guide book.
Mushrooms of North America
by Orson K. Miller, Jr.
Field guide book.
Wild Edible Mushrooms of Ontario
by Tom Cervenka
Compact field guide book.
The Fungal Pharmacy by Robert Rogers
Large reference book on medicinal aspects of large range of fungi pertinent to North America. Little species identification, few illustrations and often fungi are grouped by Genera or Family. Interesting worldwide ethnomycological observations.
Medicinal Mushrooms, The Essential Guide
by Christopher Hobbs
Reference book on medicinal aspects of a select range of fungi pertinent to North America, with information on how to harvest and use. Some species identification is provided. Interesting worldwide ethnomycological observations.
Mycelium Running
by Paul Stamets
Reference book on fungi science, and how to culture and grow mushrooms. Pertinent to North America. Some species identification is provided. Interesting worldwide ethnomycological observations.
Plants of the Western Boreal Forest & Aspen Parkland
by Derek Johnson, Linda Kershaw, Andy MacKinnon & Jim Pojar
Link to review of field guide book that provides information on hosts of fungi, pertinent to Manitoba and Saskatchewan.
Trees of Manitoba Field Guide
by Manitoba Government
Link to PDF of field guide that provides information on hosts of fungi, pertinent to Manitoba.
Edible & Medicinal Plants of Canada
by MacKinnon, Kershaw, Arnason, Owen, Karst, and Hamersley Chambers
Link to review of field guide book that provides information on hosts of fungi.
Entangled Life
by Merlin Sheldrake
Fungi are diverse and complicated as they have existed significantly longer than our species so has adapted to many more life forms.
Read the book review by Society member Karen Clements in the first Newsletter of the Manitoba Mushroom Society, available above.
Mushroom Board Games
Not a book, but fun ways to learn mycology. We all play games one way or another, but with mycological board games you can have fun and learn at the same time!
Read the Mycological Board Games review by Society member Janna Michel in the first Newsletter of the Manitoba Mushroom Society, available above.
AdventureSmart by BC Adventure Smart
Excellent resources for participating in outdoor activities safely. The AdventureSmart Trip Plan App is a great tool to have in your mobile device.
Copyright © 2024 Manitoba Mushroom Society Inc.